In this artist blog, get a close up look at the Florida Scrub-Jay. See Geoffrey's photos of these animals, learn some interesting facts about them, and watch the new video about this friendly bird.
Dear Friends,
I spend time sometimes photographing and filming Florida scrub-jays at Jonathan Dickinson State Park, the largest area of protected scrub-jay habitat in Southeast Florida. It is there I fell in love with this incredibly social bird species! The current Florida scrub-jay population is estimated between 7,700 to 9,300 birds. They are the state’s only endemic bird, which means the Florida scrub-jay is found nowhere else. In order to survive they require a sandy, scrubby habitat. Each scrub-jay family needs a territory of around 22 - 24 acres which due to habitat loss has become hard for the birds to find. Their need for such a specific habitat is one reason why scrub-jay numbers are declining. I invite you to watch our video! We look forward to seeing you soon at the Studio.

The Florida Scrub-Jay
Learn more about the Florida Scrub-Jay.
Edward Sellian's Legacy
I would like to take this moment to remember Mr. Ed Sellian. Ed was the generous and gracious man who made The Stuart Sailfish monument possible. In the year 2000, I was at the Stuart Light Tackle Sailfish Tournament Dock Party. I was fundraising to secure the cost of the 19-foot monument I had envisioned for the City of Stuart. I spoke with Ed the first evening about making a donation. On the second evening, he said "Yes!" I was pleased about our first donation to my most ambitious monumental project at that time. Ed said, "No Geoffrey, I'll underwrite the whole project!" and that is how The Stuart Sailfish came to be. The Stuart Sailfish will forever keep his legacy alive but pales in comparison to the man who made it possible. He is missed by many!
Life seems to get shorter every day. Don't take anyone for granted,
Thank you for reading this month's Patina Journal, I hope you enjoyed learning about the Florida scrub-jay. Please click the button below to share with friends!